Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bible Challenge 09/30 - 10/06

Greetings All!

This week we finish up the book of Ezekiel and begin to venture into the book and story of Daniel.

The prophet Daniel was one of the young men carried off into exile in Babylon, along with three of his friends. While there they were selected for leadership and given new names. We don't call Daniel by his foreign name (Belteshazzar), but we do call his friends by their exile names (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego). Daniel is famously imprisoned in a lions' dean at one point. He's also known for his interpretation of dreams.

The book of Daniel with its three chapters can be broken down into three sections:
1) Daniel 1:1-2:3, which introduces Daniel and his friends and their circumstances

2) Daniel 2:4-7:28, which are the court tales of Daniel and his friends living among the Babylonians

3) Daniel 8:1-12:13, which contains Daniel's prophetic visions of Israel's future
I hope this breakdown aids you in your reading and understanding. Here is the schedule:

30, Sunday: Ezekiel 27-30

01, Monday: Ezekiel 31-34

02, Tuesday: Ezekiel 35-38

03, Wednesday: Ezekiel 39-42

04, Thursday: Ezekiel 43-46

05, Friday: Ezekiel 47 - Daniel 2

06, Saturday: Daniel 3-6

May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the hearing, the understanding and most importantly the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Fives

1. Preaching Series - Do you ever feel like the world is weighing heavy upon your shoulders? Like your spirit is being weighed down so strong that you cannot move? This Sunday we are concluding our preaching series entitled, Traveling Light, where we are looking at the importance of releasing ourselves from the weight of feelings like want, guilt, shame, grief, and doubt, among others. Check out our church website for sermon titles by clicking here. I hope you will make plans to join us each week as we seek to better understand the help God is eager and willing to offer to each and every one of us. 

2. New Bible Study - What is Heaven really like? Is our main duty as Christians simply to help non-Christians get there? What hope does the gospel hold for this present life? In what ways does God intend for us to experience that hope? Get the answers to these questions and many more as we explore the full of scope of what God's Word has to say on these issues through the inspirational teachings of premier biblical scholar N. T. Wright. 

We began last week by looking at Session 01, Hope for the World. Next Thursday, we will continue this study as we embark on Session 02, The Hope of the Resurrection. It is never to late to join and all are invited and encouraged to attend. So grab a friend and I hope to see you all there! 

3. Lay Servant - Do you have the gifts to become a Certified Lay Servant? Are you interested in finding out? On Saturday October 27, 2012 and Saturday, November 3, 2012 (both days required), from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, at the First United Methodist Church of Eustis, a training will be offered to help you answer those questions. The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course focuses on the many ways lay servants are called to be in ministry through such things as leading, teaching, serving, proclaiming the gospel, disciple-making, and personal spiritual formation. The purpose of lay servant ministries as it relates to caring, leading and communicating will be shared with participants as they are encouraged to recognize and use their spiritual gifts. For more information, please contact the church office, 629-5688 or email us by clicking here

4. Historian Needed - If you are interested and passionate about recording the important events in the life our church, we have an opportunity for you! We are in need of a church historian to help chronicle the important events in our history. It does not require significant time, just a passion for the mission. If you are interested please see me and we can talk or you can email me by clicking here

5. Sound Booth - We are in need of a few volunteers to help out in the sound booth on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in volunteering to help us run this vital part of worship, please let us know by calling the church office, 629-5688, emailing the office by clicking here, or signing up at the Connection Station. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of sound equipment, we will train you. It is not very difficult at all, we just need someone willing to lend their talents. Thanks! 


Pulpit Swap - I am excited to be able to tell you that this Sunday, September 30th, we will engage in our Fifth Sunday pulpit swap with Belleview UMC. I invite you to come hear the gentle spirit and inspired wisdom of Pastor Debbie as she concludes our Traveling Light preaching series.

I am confident that you will be blessed and transformed as you experience the Holy Spirit through her. Invite a friend and come be a part of movement of the Holy Spirit. 

Have a great weekend and I will see you soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Midweek Moment

Yesterday I was asked the question, "What excites you about your ministry?" Have you ever thought about that question? Growing up in Seffner, at the bottom of my church bulletin were the words, "All are ministers for Christ." Regardless of our past, or our present, as believers we are all ministers. We all have a charge to spread the name of Christ as we build the Kingdom of God together. So, I ask you now, what excites you about your ministry?

Sometimes we get so caught up in life, the business of it, the burdens we carry, and all those things that we feel we must do, we can lose sight of our calling as ministers. Each one of you has been given a spiritual gift by the Holy Spirit. Each one of you have been equipped by God to perform some function for the Kingdom. I once heard it expressed in this manner. This world is made up of spheres of influence. All of us run in groups, with certain people, sharing certain interests. Those interests are what tie us together. For me, my sphere of influence would involve mainly 30-40 year old people, with a young family, that love sports, and love God just a little bit more. It would be people that are dealing the miracles and pains of young children. It would also consist of people that grew up themselves in the 1970's and 1980's, and remember things like the TV show CHiPs and Magnum PI. The people that find themselves within that similar situation would fall within my sphere of influence. Those people would feel a very strong connection to me, and I to them. We would share memories of similar events and a bond would generally grow between us rather easily. This bond would then open the door for me to be able to relate to them, and them to me, and give me the opportunity to share with them my faith. The foundation of a shared life and shared circumstances would allow my words to carry more weight and allow me to use words and expressions, timelines and events, that would deliver the largest impact to those within my sphere. Now this does not mean I cannot do the same thing or have a significant impact on someone outside of my sphere, it just means it is easier within this sphere.

You all have a sphere of influence. You all have a group of people that are similar to you, that you can influence with some degree of ease. Chances are you already are part of some such group right now, formal or otherwise. When you walk within this sphere your words are listened to with intent. Your actions are also watched with precision. Take just a bit and think about your sphere and who falls within your influence? Who is it that falls within your ministry?

Now, I will ask you my original question again. What excites you about your ministry? How have you been the instrument for which God has been seen and realized in the life of another? What have you allowed God, to do through you, that has made the Kingdom a present reality? When we become that willing vessel for God, excitement in our lives is just the beginning. I want to encourage you to be open to God, be active in your ministry. No one, and I mean no one on this entire Earth, can do your ministry better than you. As you can see, you are very important. The Kingdom of God will be very different with you and your ministry. Minister well and may the excitement of God wash over anew each and every day.

Have a great week and I will see you soon!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bible Challenge 09/23 - 09/29

Greetings All!

This week we finish up the book of Lamentations and begin our journey through the book of Ezekiel, written by the prophet of the same name.

The name "Ezekiel" means "God will strengthen." His story is interesting as he describes his calling by God, to be a prophet, by going into a lot of detail about God riding a chariot of four wheels guided by cherubs. For the next several years, he preached alongside Jeremiah about the coming destruction of Jerusalem which he lived to witness. He was in his mid-twenties when he was exiled along with approximately 3,000 upper class Jews to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem. There he and his wife lived in their own home and other exiles came to see his prophetic insights. Later he began to have visions of a new Temple. All total, his career as a prophet lasted for around 25 years.

Our reading this week carries through the entire first segment of this book (chapters 1-24) in which Ezekiel pronounces a judgement against Israel, then we will start heading into the second segment (chapters 25-32) in which he proclaims judgement against other nations.

Here is the schedule:

23, Sunday: Lamentations 4 - Ezekiel 2

24, Monday: Ezekiel 3-6

25, Tuesday: Ezekiel 7-10

26, Wednesday: Ezekiel 11-14

27, Thursday: Ezekiel 15-18

28, Friday: Ezekiel 19-22

29, Saturday: Ezekiel 23-26

May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the hearing, the understanding and most importantly the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Fives

1. Preaching Series - Do you ever feel like the world is weighing heavy upon your shoulders? Like your spirit is being weighed down so strong that you cannot move? This Sunday we are continuing our preaching series entitled, Traveling Light, where we are looking at the importance of releasing ourselves from the weight of feelings like want, guilt, shame, grief, and doubt, among others. Check out our church website for sermon titles by clicking here. I hope you will make plans to join us each week as we seek to better understand the help God is eager and willing to offer to each and every one of us.

2. New Bible Study - What is Heaven really like? Is our main duty as Christians simply to help non-Christians get there? What hope does the gospel hold for this present life? In what ways does God intend for us to experience that hope? Get the answers to these questions and many more as we explore the full of scope of what God's Word has to say on these issues through the inspirational teachings of premier biblical scholar N. T. Wright.

Join us beginning September 27th, as we embark on a new Bible Study, Surprised By Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church. All are invited and encouraged to attend. For more information, click here. So grab a friend and I hope to see you all there!

3. Lay Servant - Do you have the gifts to become a Certified Lay Servant? Are you interested in finding out? On Saturday October 27, 2012 and Saturday, November 3, 2012 (both days required), from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, at the First United Methodist Church of Eustis, a training will be offered to help you answer those questions. The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course focuses on the many ways lay servants are called to be in ministry through such things as leading, teaching, serving, proclaiming the gospel, disciple-making, and personal spiritual formation. The purpose of lay servant ministries as it relates to caring, leading and communicating will be shared with participants as they are encouraged to recognize and use their spiritual gifts. For more information, please contact the church office, 629-5688 or email us by clicking here.

4. Historian Needed - If you are interested and passionate about recording the important events in the life our church, we have an opportunity for you! We are in need of a church historian to help chronicle the important events in our history. It does not require significant time, just a passion for the mission. If you are interested please see me and we can talk or you can email me by clicking here.

5. Sound Booth - We are in need of a few volunteers to help out in the sound booth on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in volunteering to help us run this vital part of worship, please let us know by calling the church office, 629-5688, emailing the office by clicking here, or signing up at the Connection Station. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of sound equipment, we will train you. It is not very difficult at all, we just need someone willing to lend their talents. Thanks!

Have a great weekend and I will see you Sunday!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Midweek Moment

Today I am leaving for Cerveny Confererence Center in Live Oak. This is part of an enrichment seminar entitled, Courage to Lead, that I was invited to apply for. I prayed long and hard about this decision, but ultimately felt God was opening this door for me and I applied. I filled out the application, submitted it, and I was accepted.

This means that five times, including this week, between now and next September, I will gather with a group of pastors, over a three day period, as we seek to understand how to participate in ministry based upon our inner natures. More specifically, how can I reach out from a source of integrity, connectedness, and vitality. I was very humbled to have been asked to apply. But also very nervous about interacting with other clergy from such a vulnerable position.

Many of you know I am an introvert. My comfort level resides within solitude and quiet surroundings. If given the chance to speak or observe within a group my natural tendency is to observe. Now, this does not mean that I cannot be extroverted. It does not mean that I cannot stand out front, lead, speak, and be strong in the midst of those situations, and enjoy it. I can. It just means that is contrary to my comfort level and rather than gaining energy from that experience I spend energy.

I tell you all of this for two reasons. One, is to pray for this gathering. Pray that we are all open to the movement of the Holy Spirit and that we have the courage to follow as the Spirit leads. And that we will all be transformed for God as a result. Two, is please pray for me. I want this time to be beneficial. I want this time to be a stepping point that grows not only my relationship with God but with each of you. I want to find tools at this gathering that will not only enrich my personal ministry, but the vital ministry that we all do together.

This is an opportunity for growth, for us, for other pastors and churches, for the Florida Conference as a whole, and for the Kingdom of God collectively. I am excited about the next three days, anticipating how God is going to move.

Please know that even though we will be separated by miles, we be brought together as I continue to pray for you all.

Have a great week and I will see you Sunday!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bible Challenge 09/16 - 09/22

Greetings All!

We finish up our journey through the second major prophetic book this week and then move on to read part of the third, Lamentations.

The book of Lamentations is a poetic book that is attributed to the prophet Jeremiah. It mourns the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in the 6th century BC. In Judaism, this book is traditionally recited on the fast day of "Tisha B'Av" the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, mourning the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. It is said that Jeremiah retired to a cavern outside the Damascus gate, where he wrote this book. That cavern is still pointed out by tour guides today.

Here is our schedule for the week:

16, Sunday: Jeremiah 28-31

17, Monday: Jeremiah 32-35

18, Tuesday: Jeremiah 36-39

19, Wednesday: Jeremiah 40-43

20, Thursday: Jeremiah 44-47

21, Friday: Jeremiah 48-51

22, Saturday: Jeremiah 52 - Lamentations 3

May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the hearing, the understanding and most importantly the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Fives

1. Preaching Series - Do you ever feel like the world is weighing heavy upon your shoulders? Like your spirit is being weighed down so strong that you cannot move? This Sunday we are continuing our preaching series entitled, Traveling Light, where we are looking at the importance of releasing ourselves from the weight of feelings like want, guilt, shame, grief, and doubt, among others. Check out our church website for sermon titles by clicking here. I hope you will make plans to join us each week as we seek to better understand the help God is eager and willing to offer to each and every one of us.

2. New Bible Study - What is Heaven really like? Is our main duty as Christians simply to help non-Christians get there? What hope does the gospel hold for this present life? In what ways does God intend for us to experience that hope? Get the answers to these questions and many more as we explore the full of scope of what God's Word has to say on these issues through the inspirational teachings of premier biblical scholar N. T. Wright.

Join us beginning September 27th, as we embark on a new Bible Study, Surprised By Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church. All are invited and encouraged to attend. For more information, click here. So grab a friend and I hope to see you all there!

3. Lay Servant - Do you have the gifts to become a Certified Lay Servant? Are you interested in finding out? On Saturday October 27, 2012 and Saturday, November 3, 2012 (both days required), from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, at the First United Methodist Church of Eustis, a training will be offered to help you answer those questions. The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course focuses on the many ways lay servants are called to be in ministry through such things as leading, teaching, serving, proclaiming the gospel, disciple-making, and personal spiritual formation. The purpose of lay servant ministries as it relates to caring, leading and communicating will be shared with participants as they are encouraged to recognize and use their spiritual gifts. For more information, please contact the church office, 629-5688 or email us by clicking here.

4. Historian Needed - If you are interested and passionate about recording the important events in the life our church, we have an opportunity for you! We are in need of a church historian to help chronicle the important events in our history. It does not require significant time, just a passion for the mission. If you are interested please see me and we can talk or you can email me by clicking here.

5. Sound Booth - We are in need of a few volunteers to help out in the sound booth on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in volunteering to help us run this vital part of worship, please let us know by calling the church office, 629-5688, emailing the office by clicking here, or signing up at the Connection Station. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of sound equipment, we will train you. It is not very difficult at all, we just need someone willing to lend their talents. Thanks!

Have a great weekend and I will see you Sunday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Midweek Moment

Three minutes. 180 seconds. In the grand scheme of a day, a day that consists of 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds, three minutes is not that long. However, it can be very important and most of all powerful.

There's something called the three minute rule. It basically says, that for a period of three minutes, you seek out and spend that time talking to someone that you do not know very well.

I would like to issue a challenge for us at Druid Hills. I would like for us to actively give this Three Minute Rule a try. As a congregation we have tremendous gifts. Our fellowship ability, and our willingness to welcome others into our family, is incredible. As I stand in the back on Sunday mornings, I get to watch as you all reach out to each other in love. I get to witness how newcomers are embraced and made to feel as if they are long time members. As a congregation, we reach out very well. So this challenge is basically a way for us to sharpen what we already do well. It is a way for us to stay intentional about our hospitality so we can become even better at that which we already do well. I cannot tell you how many stories I hear from newcomers about how welcomed they felt the first time they came to worship at Druid Hills.

Therefore, for the next two months, I would like for you to be intentional about seeking out someone that is either a visitor, someone you do not know very well, or someone you have not had a chance to speak with in a while. For the three minutes before worship and the three minutes after worship, seek these people out and have a conversation with them. Maybe you are the welcome voice that keeps a new family coming to visit us. Maybe you are the one to discover one of our current family members is hurting, giving us the chance to help them out. Maybe you are the voice of friendship that someone so desperately needs to hear that morning.

God can work in many different ways and opening ourselves up to each other is one of them. I encourage you to give it a try and see what God will do through you. It can truly be amazing!

Have a great week and I will see you Sunday!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bible Challenge 09/09/12 - 09/15/12

Greetings All!

This week we finish up the last chapter of Isaiah and turn our attention to the second prophetic book - Jeremiah.

Like Isaiah, Jeremiah was also a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah and lived in Jerusalem. His name meant "Yahweh exalts" and sometimes he was called the "weeping prophet." He was the son of a priest from Anatot in the land of Benjamin and lived in the last years of the kingdom of Judah, witnessing its fall to Babylon including the destruction of Solomon's Temple. For twenty five years he had predicted God's coming judgment and tried some outrageous stunts to get people to listen to him and repent, but to no avail. We would consider that today to be a failure; and yet Jeremiah was not a failure because he was faithful to proclaim God's Word.

There are six main sections to this book. By the end of this week we'll have worked our way through the first section (chapters 1-25 dealing with the main part of Jeremiah's message) and part of the second (chapters 26-29 dealing with more biographic material and Jeremiah's interactions with other prophets).

Here is the schedule:

9, Sunday: Isaiah 66 - Jeremiah 3

10, Monday: Jeremiah 4-7

11, Tuesday: Jeremiah 8-11

12, Wednesday: Jeremiah 12-15

13, Thursday: Jeremiah 16-19

14, Friday: Jeremiah 20-23

15, Saturday: Jeremiah 24-27

May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the hearing, the understanding and most importantly the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Fives

1. Preaching Series - Do you ever feel like the world is weighing heavy upon your shoulders? Like your spirit is being weighed down so strong that you cannot move? This Sunday we are continuing our preaching series entitled, Traveling Light, where we are looking at the importance of releasing ourselves from the weight of feelings like want, guilt, shame, grief, and doubt, among others. Check out our church website for sermon titles by clicking here. I hope you will make plans to join us each week as we seek to better understand the help God is eager and willing to offer to each and every one of us.

2. Bill Pitts Memorial Service - Tomorrow, Saturday, September 8th, at 11am, we will gather in the Sanctuary to celebrate the life of our friend and brother, Bill Pitts. I want to extend an invitation to all of you to come and gather as we shower Doris and her family with our love and concern. There will be a reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall that you are invited to as well. Please spread the word as you encounter each other in the community. I look forward to seeing all of you there!

3. Lay Servant - Do you have the gifts to become a Certified Lay Servant? Are you interested in finding out? On Saturday October 27, 2012 and Saturday, November 3, 2012 (both days required), from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, at the First United Methodist Church of Eustis, a training will be offered to help you answer those questions. The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course focuses on the many ways lay servants are called to be in ministry through such things as leading, teaching, serving, proclaiming the gospel, disciple-making, and personal spiritual formation. The purpose of lay servant ministries as it relates to caring, leading and communicating will be shared with participants as they are encouraged to recognize and use their spiritual gifts. For more information, please contact the church office, 629-5688 or email us by clicking here.

4. Historian Needed - If you are interested and passionate about recording the important events in the life our church, we have an opportunity for you! We are in need of a church historian to help chronicle the important events in our history. It does not require significant time, just a passion for the mission. If you are interested please see me and we will talk.

5. Sound Booth - We are in need of a few volunteers to help out in the sound booth on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in volunteering to help us run this vital part of worship, please let us know with by calling the church office, 629-5688, emailing the office, by clicking here, or signing up at the Connection Station. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of sound equipment, we will train you. It is not very difficult at all, we just need someone willing to lend their talents. Thanks!

Have a great weekend and I will see you Sunday!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Midweek Moment

Have you ever had a season in your life where you felt drained? Where everything you did simply sapped the life right out of you and you wondered if you were making an impact at all? I am sure that at some point we have all had those feelings. Those feelings where we try as hard as we can to find joy, to find hope, but cannot shake the feeling that we are just spinning our tires.

When I have had those feelings in my life, there is a little video that I watch. I was introduced to it in seminary, and it always gives me goosebumps. Take a listen…

I pray that when you find yourself questioning your impact, seeing more darkness than light, that you feel the presence of God come and descend upon you. I hope that this short video will help remind you that you are indeed God’s masterpiece.

Have a great week!

Traveling Light: Releasing Want, Weariness, Worry and Hopelessness - Exodus 20:8-11 and Matthew 6:25-34

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bible Challenge 09/02 - 09/08

Greetings All.

Our reading this week takes us just one chapter shy of finishing the first major prophetic book in the Old Testament this week - Isaiah. Remember the first half of the book deals primarily with judgment against Judah and call to repentance; the chapters we are reading this week continue on with God's message of forgiveness and hope as he reveals his plan for a coming Messiah.

There are a few items I want you to look for this week. First, we will get a reference to the one we know as John the Baptist in chapter 40 as the voice of one crying in the wilderness:
"Prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God". - Isaiah 40:3
Second, we see a few references to the suffering that the Messiah would go through on our behalf:
1) "He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth." - Isaiah 53:7
2) "I gave My back to those who struck Me, and My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; I did not hide My face from shame and spitting." - Isaiah 50:6

And finally, we see a testimony about the kind of healer that the Messiah would be:
"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;" - Isaiah 61:1
I pray you are blessed as you read and ponder these words of Scripture. Here is the schedule:

02, Sunday: Isaiah 38-41

03, Monday: Isaiah 42-45

04, Tuesday: Isaiah 46-49

05, Wednesday: Isaiah 50-53

06, Thursday: Isaiah 54-57

07, Friday: Isaiah 58-61

08, Saturday: Isaiah 62-65

May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the hearing, the understanding and most importantly the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.