Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Midweek Moment

During worship it is not uncommon for you to hear me ask God to help us be the hands, the feet, and the heart of Jesus Christ to those that we meet. I am trying to stress the idea that while we cannot physically, nor tangibly, touch God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit, we can touch each other. We can hold each other's hand, give each other hugs, and audibly affirm each other. And it is in that moment, that Christ is flowing through us, using us, to care for each other. We are representing Christ to the people we are ministering to at that moment. We are being the physical hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ.

I am part of a covenant group. There are two other guys in this group with me, all pastors in the United Methodist Church, and we have covenanted to pray for each other, support each other, and be there for each other. Today one of these men were the heart of Jesus Christ for me. You see, this friend of mine, this brother of mine, was driving from his church to another appointment and felt the push to call me. He shared with me he was not sure why, but he listened, and made the call. His first question was not, “how are you?” It was, “what is going on?” After a bit of hesitation and confusion on my part, after all how could he possibly know I needed anything, I began to share. I believe his next statement will live with me forever. He said, “now I know why I was in staff meeting last week.”

He had been in staff meeting last week, listening to a training, that at that moment, seemed like a waste of time for him. The topic had nothing to do with him, was not going to have anything to do with him in the near future, but he listened. We both realized that his training was for me. The lessons he learned there were what I needed to hear today. God used him, and that training, to minister to me. What he shared with me, made so much sense, and cleared up so much confusion and internal struggle for me. It was like a literal parting of the clouds within my soul.

Folks, that is God. In all of his infinite wisdom, and grace, and love, that is God. God using each of us to be his love to one another. I am so grateful to my friend that listened to the Holy Spirit today. I am also so grateful for each of you as you listen to the Holy Spirit. I have seen it, been privileged enough to witness it, and have been blessed by it. As you continue your Advent preparations, I encourage you to be open to God, listen to the Spirit, and go when called to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ.

Saint Teresa of Avila once said, "Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now."

To be called by God, to go in his name is a wonderful responsibility, and one that will bless you as you bless others. So, go with courage, go by faith, and go with God!

Merry Christmas!

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