Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Midweek Moment

How many of you have every heard the phrase, the power of one? The idea is that one person can make a difference regardless of the odds they are facing. It gives credence to the idea that we are all important and have value. It also supports the notion that just one person can be a successful starting point for change, large and small. 

Many of you know that I just returned from a two week study tour of England. To be more specific, I followed the footsteps of our denominations founder, John Wesley, from his birthplace in Epworth, to his ministry in Bristol, to his final resting place in London. Though my exposure to these places, and to the people who guided us, I learned a great deal about John Wesley and his power of one. Rev. Wesley is credited with beginning a movement within the Church of England that sparked an incredible renewal in the people. John Wesley is also credited with preventing a civil war through his interactions with communities and how easily and passionately he conveyed the realness and impact of God's grace and mercy. John is also given credit for generating a renewed calling to personal discipleship within the people of his era. John Wesley, one man, passionate disciple of Jesus Christ, faithful follower of God, did his best to bring his country to a deeper relationship with God.

How many of you have ever been faced with a task that seemed insurmountable? A task so great that you felt you had failed before you ever began? Personally, I have felt that way many times before. But these last two weeks, the more I learned about John Wesley, the more I was exposed to how he thought and how he trusted God, I became convinced of the power of one. Some people will try to dismiss the power of one as too small or inconsequential. But John knew, without a doubt, that if God called him to do it, alone or not, if he was faithful it would happen. If he followed God's prompting, was faithful in dispatching his duty, God would take care of the rest. I believe John Wesley was a true believer in the power of one. (one human that is!)

Rev. Wesley was not always an evangelical powerhouse. He had significant doubts in his journey of faith. Doubts about his salvation; doubts about his place in God's Kingdom; doubts about his self worth. But during his conversion on Aldersgate street, where his “heart was strangely warmed” John was reassured.

I encourage you to find your power of one. I encourage you to listen to God, give God the chance to talk with you, and then follow his plan for your life. Do not be swayed by fear or doubt. Trust in God. Anything God calls you to do, while it may seem to be beyond your capabilities or comfort zone, you can trust God will equip you for the task. In fact, I am sure that God, in time, will absolutely give you more than you can handle...alone. But with God as your guide, with God as your light, anything is possible. You all can be a power of one, with God. God helped John Wesley all those years ago do incredible things. Rev. Wesley changed lives, started a movement, and brought people back to God in incredible ways. God is still here, eager to help us do the same thing. Do not be fearful of what God calls you to do. Large or small, public or private, it is all vital. Embrace your calling, strengthen your God given gifts, express your power of one. God is ready. God is waiting. I encourage you to answer!

Have a great week and I will see you Sunday!

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