Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Fives

Statue of King David just
outside his tomb in Jerusalem.
1. Preaching Series - This Sunday we are continuing our preaching series entitled, Lessons from the Life of David. As one of the most beloved characters in Scripture, David can be a great source of hope. David is not portrayed as a perfect, obedient servant. But rather, we get to see his humanity play out from the time we meet him as a young, all the way to his death. We can experience how David separates himself from God, through his thoughts and actions, and identify with those situations in our own lives. But we also get to see the grace of God shine forth as David is continually redeemed and forgiven. These life lessons will allow us to find ourselves in David's story and see how God's grace was not just for David, but it is for all of us. This weekend our focus will be on uncovering the aspects of true friendship, not only amongst ourselves but with God as well. I encourage you to invite a friend and I hope to see you there!

2. Annual Conference - Next week is Annual Conference in Lakeland. I am asking that everyone please be in prayer, for the leaders, clergy, and laity, as we gather to plan, discuss, and shape the direction of the Florida Conference. If you would like more information about Annual Conference, please read my Midweek Moment that will come out this Wednesday, right here on the blog.

3. Sources of Information - If you are looking for good information about our church, its activities, and/or our denomination, you can always go to our church website. On our website we have the weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter, pages about our ministries and outreach groups, and we have just added two new pages about Relay for Life and our Connectional Life. If have never been to the website, just click here. If it has been awhile, come back and see what's new. This is a great tool to keep us all connected, so click on over and discover something new!

4. Prayer Chain Coordinator - Last week, after seven faithful years, Mary Lou Welsh stepped down asour Prayer Chain Coordinator. Mary Lou did an exceptional job getting our prayer requests out to those who pledged to be our prayer partners. She was always faithful to this ministry, doing everything she could to make sure it was done properly. Mary Lou, thank you so much for sharing your gifts with this congregation through our Prayer Chain. Therefore, we now have a new Prayer Chain Coordinator, Jenny Hosey. I am so grateful to Jenny for graciously stepping into this role to make sure we can continue to lift up one another in prayer. If you have a request for Jenny, please send it to her email address listed in the Church Directory. Thank you Mary Lou!! Thank you Jenny!!

5. Bishop's Offering - Bishop Ken Carter has selected three programs to equally share in the proceeds given at Annual Conference this year; Stop Hunger Now, Wesley Foundation at FSU, and Leadership development for young clergy of color. I invite you to consider giving an extra gift to this cause. You can do so by placing your gift in the offering plate, designate it Bishop's Offering, and we will cut one check and give it during Annual Conference this year. If you would like more information, there is an insert in this weeks bulletin or you can visit our Conference Website by clicking here.

Have a great weekend and I will see you Sunday!

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