Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Midweek Moment

Today I am leaving for Cerveny Confererence Center in Live Oak. This is part of an enrichment seminar entitled, Courage to Lead, that I was invited to apply for. I prayed long and hard about this decision, but ultimately felt God was opening this door for me and I applied. I filled out the application, submitted it, and I was accepted.

This means that five times, including this week, between now and next September, I will gather with a group of pastors, over a three day period, as we seek to understand how to participate in ministry based upon our inner natures. More specifically, how can I reach out from a source of integrity, connectedness, and vitality. I was very humbled to have been asked to apply. But also very nervous about interacting with other clergy from such a vulnerable position.

Many of you know I am an introvert. My comfort level resides within solitude and quiet surroundings. If given the chance to speak or observe within a group my natural tendency is to observe. Now, this does not mean that I cannot be extroverted. It does not mean that I cannot stand out front, lead, speak, and be strong in the midst of those situations, and enjoy it. I can. It just means that is contrary to my comfort level and rather than gaining energy from that experience I spend energy.

I tell you all of this for two reasons. One, is to pray for this gathering. Pray that we are all open to the movement of the Holy Spirit and that we have the courage to follow as the Spirit leads. And that we will all be transformed for God as a result. Two, is please pray for me. I want this time to be beneficial. I want this time to be a stepping point that grows not only my relationship with God but with each of you. I want to find tools at this gathering that will not only enrich my personal ministry, but the vital ministry that we all do together.

This is an opportunity for growth, for us, for other pastors and churches, for the Florida Conference as a whole, and for the Kingdom of God collectively. I am excited about the next three days, anticipating how God is going to move.

Please know that even though we will be separated by miles, we be brought together as I continue to pray for you all.

Have a great week and I will see you Sunday!

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