Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Midweek Moment

We are a tradition! Did you know that? Druid Hills United Methodist Church and our annual Pumpkin Patch are a tradition! Last night as I was surfing on the internet, I went to, the website for the Star Banner newspaper. I go there frequently to get my local news and information. If you have been there before, you can skim the next several line of this midweek moment. If not, the read on. When you do arrive on their website you are greeted by a picture box, with about five or six headlines down the left hand side. As those headlines scroll down, the picture changes to match the headline being emphasized.

Last night, third item down, was the headline, “An Ocala Tradition”, with a picture of a tiny baby surrounded by pumpkins. When you clicked on the item you were taken to an article talking about how our pumpkin patch is known far and wide and considered by many people to be a part of life in Ocala. I was so excited to see this type of coverage for our patch. (Not to mention those wonderful pictures of that adorable little baby.)

This got me thinking. What traditions are you known for in your circle of influence? If those people that interact with you the most, if they were asked what your most consistent trait was, what would be their response? Would you be happy with their response? Do people view you as a generous person, hospitable person, church type person, or a servant type of person? Is your faith in Christ evident in your actions towards others, so much so, that when asked about you, that is one of the primary traits mentioned about you? That is a deep question…an important question.

One of our popular Methodist hymns answers this question as it calls for us to sing, “They will we know we are Christians by our love, by our love. They will know we are Christians by our love.” Folks, in every, single, endeavor we have with another we are called to be Christians. We are called to be loving, hospitable, and kind people. This is not just when we feel good, or we have time; but in all circumstances, in all places, and at all times. I know we all fall short of that goal. I know we all have days where portraying those traits is difficult. However, when people are asked what kind of person we are, what kind of tradition we are setting, we need for them to answer with a high level of consistency, people of grace, mercy, and love. We want people to view us as a person that is quick to listen and slow to speak. We want to be viewed as a person that speaks love, first and foremost, and at all times. I encourage you to take time this week and ask yourself the question, “who do people say that I am?”. We are vessels for God. We are the love of Christ for others. May we all be mindful to be good ambassadors of the grace and love that Christ gave to us, as we share that grace and love with others.

Have a great week!

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