Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Midweek Moment

Last week in worship we talked about the tools Jesus used to survive his forty days in the wilderness. He did not have a pack, shelter, food, water, or extra clothes. But he did have something much more valuable, the spiritual disciples of fasting, prayer, meditation, and solitude.

Right now we are at the beginning of our 40 day Lenten journey. Ash Wednesday was one week ago today and the first Sunday in Lent was three days ago. As you spend this season examining your relationship with God, I encourage you to use those same disciplines Christ did.

These disciplines of fasting, prayer, meditation, and solitude allow us to escape the distractions of this world and focus our attention and energy on God. They allow us to peel away the layers of distraction that keep us from quality time in the presence of our Savior, creating an opening that can truly be transformative.

This Lent, I invite you to be intentional about finding those times and those locations where you engage in these disciples. Make a time where you can be in solitude, where you can frequently practice the discipline of meditation as you commune with God, and the reading of Scripture is a wonderful way to enter in to those sacred times. There is a practice of reading Scripture that you may have heard of called Lectio Divina. The intent of this technique is not to gain information but to establish a connection with God. You read a passage of Scripture focusing on just a few words or phrases. You read these few words over and over again, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak and direct you to other passages in the process. You will be amazed at what speaks to you as you engage in this endeavor.

There is also the discipline of prayer that is available to you. Prayer is that direct connection with God whereby we have the chance to speak and God has the chance to be heard. It is important that when you pray you have a place where you can concentrate. A place where your mind will not be divided by outside distractions. As your church, we are opening our Sanctuary every Wednesday during Lent from 12 P.M. to 1 P.M. for you to come and have that quiet place to pray.

I pray you all will find the ways that work best for you to engage in a few of these disciplines. When you open yourself up the power they contain, God can and will do wondrous acts through you and in you.

Have a great week and I will see you Sunday,

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