Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Midweek Moment

I received a letter in the mail today. It had my name on the top if it and it was delivered to the parsonage address. But after reading it, it is a letter intended for each of you as well.

Here is what it says:

The Florida Annual Conference recognizes the special effort necessary for churches to pay 100% ofapportionments and we want to honor your church along with other faithful congregations at the Annual Conference event in June.

Additionally, your Church will be acknowledged in a video that will be displayed on monitors throughout the conference.

We understand it is more difficult today, perhaps more difficult than ever, for churches to pay 100% of their apportionments. Yet there are churches like yours that make paying 100% of their connectional giving a priority. By doing so you are laying up treasures in Heaven, a very important goal in "Becoming Disciples of Jesus Christ," the theme of this years conference.

Thank you, Mickey Wilson Treasurer, Director of Administrative Services

If you have been around a United Methodist church for any period of time you have probably heard the word apportionment. It is the word we use to describe the amount of money each church pays to its Conference Office to help cover some administrative costs, but more importantly, it refers to the monies our denomination collects to give to some very worthy charities. Those charities include, World Service, Black College, and Africa University Funds, to name a few.

I hope that makes you proud to be a United Methodist, it does me. To know that our denomination makes it priority to live out what we preach, to put our words into action, and tangibly make a difference in this world, makes me happy.

This letter I received today was not just for me. It was for all of you as well. When you monetarily give to Druid Hills, through your tithes and offering, you allow us to pay 100% of our apportionments. You are giving us the ability to continue to do our part to make sure the grace of God and love of Christ are felt the world over. Just as Mickey Wilson thanked us for our part, I want to add my thank you to all of you as well.

Thank you for supporting Druid Hills. Thank you for supporting the United Methodist Church. Thank you for helping to spread the Good News of the Gospel to people all over the world.

Have a great week and I will see you Sunday!

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