Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Midweek Moment

Today, June 24th, holds great significance for me and my family. Today is our first Forever Family Day. Today is the day we celebrate one year with our beloved Davis. One year as a family of five and what a year it has been.

We first fell in love with this face in the fall of 2012.

Our love grew with the subsequent pictures and updates we received.

Then a year ago today we walked into a very nondescript office building in Guangzhou, China in the afternoon as a family of four, along with our own personal camera crew of two wonderful grandparents! And in the most surreal experience of our lives, we met Davis inside for the first time and walked back outside a couple of hours later with him as a family of five.

There really are no adequate words to describe the journey that has taken place since then. It has been a joy for Debbie and I to watch Davis' attachment to our family, to see his personality grow and shine forth, to watch him play and laugh with his brothers, to have a front row seat as he experiences so many firsts, to see him figure out language and numbers and colors and shapes, to watch him charm people everywhere he goes (school, church, the ball field, the grocery store, restaurants and more), to see him develop obsessions with Mickey Mouse, Jake the Pirate and Spiderman.

Besides the joy of watching Davis adapt and grow, this adoption journey has changed Daryl and I, as well as Parker and Wesley in profound ways, not the least of which has been a more deeply centered relationship with God. We stepped out in faith to answer a calling we felt God had placed in our hearts. And God demonstrated overwhelming grace and faithfulness repeatedly in our journey toward Davis and in every day since.

I am still in complete and total awe at how this story has played out so far. I still shake when I think about the mountains God moved to bring this young little boy into our lives. I still feel my heart race when I think about how easily his transition has been and how openly each of you has accepted him. Every time I look at Davis I am reminded of the wonderful and powerful might of our God to love, reach out, and order aspects of this world so God’s grace may be felt.

In some ways this has been both the shortest and longest year of our lives. Short in the sense that it still seems like yesterday when we met him; long in the sense that Davis' presence in our family feels so right it is hard to remember he hasn't been with us for every day of his almost 4 years of life.

I want to encourage each of you to claim those things God has in store for your life. Step out in faith, trust in God, follow Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit. God is alive and is still doing wonderful things for the Kingdom and God has something in store for you!!

Have a great week!

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