Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Fives

1. Sunday Worship - This week I will be away with my family at the Florida Conference Clergy Kids Retreat. For the past several years this has been a gift Debbie and I give to our boys that allows us to be together, give our time to one another and worship together as a family. This is an important time for us and I am grateful for how you have supported me in this time away.

As a special treat, Randy Leighton will be filling our pulpit in my absence. Randy has served admirably as a Certified Lay Servant and has also taught those courses for this District. He is a Spirit filled disciple and I am sure you will all be blessed by him as he leads us in worship. Invite a friend and come and hear what God has laid upon Randy's heart.

2. FAD Night - FAD Night is back and we are off to a great start! You are all invited to join us each Thursday evening as we gather for fellowship over a simple supper, then break off into our various groups for discipleship. The children have their time together, our fledgling Praise Band has begun rehearsals at this time, and everyone else is invited to stay with me and go through an Immersion Bible Study on the Book of Acts.

This is a great time to draw closer to God and to each other. I hope you will all make plans to attend and be a part of this great time of fun, food, and fellowship. You can sign up by calling the office or placing your name on the sheet at the Connection Station.

3. 2015 Pledge Cards - It's not too late to turn in a pledge card for 2015. Cards are available in the narthex and may be turned into the church office or put into an offering plate.

We are also offering electronic giving through Vanco, with the option of having your giving take place automatically at an interval of your choice. Forms for that service are available in the narthex or you may ask for details in the church office. If you were signed up in 2014, it automatically carries over. If you need to make changes to this in amount or frequency, you can sign in with the account you created initially and make those changes.

4. New Bible Study - As FAD Night has started again, so has another Bible Study opportunity as we go Scriptural once again with the Immersion study of the Book of Acts. Journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters individual lives and begins a creative work from the inside out.

For those unfamiliar with Immersion Studies, they are shaped with the individual in mind. Immersion encourages simultaneous engagement both with the Word of God and with the God of the Word to help you become a new creation in Christ. Immersion, inspired by a fresh translation--the Common English Bible--stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, you’ll be able to discover God’s revelation through readings and reflections.

This class will be offered each Thursday at 10am and again in the evening as part of our FAD night, in the Fellowship Hall, from January 15th - February 12th. You can sign up by clicking here, by calling the church office at 629-5688, or by picking up a registration form in the narthex, filling it out and dropping it in an offering place. I hope you all will take advantage of this opportunity to come and be immersed in the Word of God!

5. WE DID IT!!! - Because of your generosity and your faithfulness, we have once again reached our goal for the Advent Challenge. This will allow us to host another Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event and participate in a Church Has Left the Building event. Watch this space for more details as the planning for these mission opportunities unfolds. Have a great weekend and I will see you Sunday!

Have a great week and I will see you soon!

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