Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Midweek Moment

Early Monday morning I received the following email from our Bishop, Ken Carter. He is calling for all United Methodists to join him in prayer. During this season of Lent I have been encouraging you to use the discipline of prayer to draw yourself closer to God. I invite you to use the letter and prayer below during your prayer time as we answer this call of the Bishop and say, “Yes! We are here!”

Bishop Carter's call to prayer

The United Methodist Church 
Florida + Episcopal Area

Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. 
Florida Area Resident Bishop

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The season of Lent is historically a time in which we remember that Jesus set his face toward Jerusalem and the cross (Luke 9. 51). In the past weeks we have become more aware of the sufferings and martyrdom of many of our brothers and sisters in Christ across the global church.

The persecution of Christians is a reality that has been largely ignored in our culture. This is due to our very appropriate desire for religious tolerance, on the one hand, and out muted support for religious freedom, on the other.

Much of the persecution of Christians is occurring in the Middle East and Africa, and includes the genocide in Mosul, the kidnapping of young girls in Nigeria and the beheading of Coptic Christians this year. But it is a mistake to think it is limited to specific regions or groups because sisters and brothers around world are experiencing a similar fate.

There has been a deafening silence in the face of this crisis. We can no longer remain silent; as the scriptures remind us, “the very stones cry out” (Luke 19. 40). It is time to speak clearly and to unite in prayer on behalf of those suffering and dying simply because they are followers of Jesus.

I am joining with other United Methodist Bishops in inviting United Methodists to pray on behalf of Christians facing persecution. Nothing could be more fitting as we move closer and closer to the final steps on Jesus’ journey to the cross where he died so that we might live. In our baptismal promises we say these words:

“Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evils powers of this world and repent of your sin?”

Christians have certainly persecuted each other, and persons of other faiths and no faith. We come to this act of prayer with humility. And as Jesus teaches us in the Beatitudes, we pray for those who persecute us. Yet we must certainly speak out whenever someone is persecuted, tortured or killed – whether or not they are persons of other faiths or no faith. But we feel a special sense of urgency to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in the face of increasing persecution, suffering and death. Pope Francis recently called this “the ecumenism of blood”, as the faithful witness of the persecuted church unites us in the One Body of Christ.

I invite all United Methodist Churches in the Florida Conference to join me in praying during the week of March 22-28 for our sisters and brothers in Christ facing persecution.

The Peace of the Lord,
Ken Carter
Resident Bishop, Florida Conference
The United Methodist Church

For Public Worship and Private Intercession

God of us all,

You love us so passionately that you sent Your Son to help us experience the fullness of divine love. And while we love you, we are not often asked to risk our lives because of our faith.

This is not true for many of our sisters and brothers in Christ. Our hearts break as we see more of them suffering and dying simply because they are living as disciples of Jesus.

We pray for their safety and sanctuary. We pray that you will give them grace in suffering. We are humbled by the witness of these martyred for their faith. We pray for their persecutors, and that acts of violence and persecution will cease.

Help us to grow in our commitment to live as Jesus' disciples. Remind us that we are the One Body of Christ: when one member suffers, all suffer. Stir us to pray unceasingly. And empower us to speak boldly.

We pray all of this in the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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