Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Fives

Here are a few things I wanted to share with you this week.

1. The disaster in Haiti is getting worse. I am sure most of you have been following along as things are happening in Haiti. It is a devastating tragedy that the Haitian people are going through. Please continue to be in prayer for this nation as they continue to feel aftershocks, deal with the chaos that is rampant in their land, and face an uncertain future. However, if you feel lead to do more than pray for Haiti, you can click here and read about other ways you can help.

2. This week you will be blessed to have my wife, Debbie, leading you in worship. With Debbie and I being appointed at two different churches we were given an idea about how we get to know our spouses' congregation. That idea was to swap pulpits on occasion so we could spend some time with each others church. It was agreed upon that we would swap each month where there was a fifth Sunday. The first Fifth Sunday of the year is here and we are swapping! I will be at Belleview and she will be here. Enjoy!!

3. The Easter Tableau outreach event is quickly approaching and planning is getting underway. If you are interested in being a part of the leadership team and helping to head up one of the areas of the Tableau or have questions about what would be required of you on this team, please contact either Eunice or Peggy Sue as soon as possible to let them know.

4. Don't forget to check us out on Facebook and on the blog. There many ways to stay in touch now a day and our church is utilizing them. We have a group page on Facebook and this blog kept by me. Both of these are wonderful ways to stay in touch with one another during the week. Things happen all the time so be sure to check these places out to keep up to date.

5. Next month we are having an Ash Wednesday service, on February 17th at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. I hope you will make plans to attend as we begin the season of Lent together.

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