Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Midweek Moment

I love the ages of Parker and Wesley right now. They are both very inquisitive, they both ask a ton of questions, and I frequently am amazed as I get the chance to see the world through their eyes. Those things that maybe I have taken for granted, or those things that have lost their awe, can be transformed for me, made new again for me, just because of their perspective.

This past weekend, Debbie and I took Parker and Wesley to Clergy Kids Camp. This is a weekend, held at the Warren Willis United Methodist Youth Camp in Leesburg, that is geared and designed for the children of pastors. The bonds that are created, the love that is shown, and the affirmation that is given to these children and youth, is truly something to behold.

Anyway, this past Friday we arrived just after dark and I immediately got into “task list” mode. I told the boys that we needed to check in, then after we found out where our room was, we would come right back to the car and unload. I was getting everyone out of the car, organized, and moving forward. Wesley jumped out of the van, very excited just to be at Clergy Kids Camp, and while I was finding jackets and moving very deliberately, I hear this very animated...WOW!

I instantly knew it was Wesley that let out that exclamation. My first thought was he was remarking about the main lodge, Barnett Lodge, that is under major renovations. But when I looked over, he was not looking at the lodge. He was looking up. He then cried out, “Daddy, Daddy, look at all those stars God made!” I fixed my gaze upward, and he was right. The sky was absolutely packed with millions of brilliant stars. It was gorgeous!

Left to my own inclinations, I would have filed our family into registration, unloaded the car, taken our stuff to our room, and never looked up. But having Wesley around, gave me the chance experience awe that evening. I was reminded of the creation God made. Wesley did not just remark at the stars and how many there were or how pretty they were. No. He instantly put together the fact that God made these. He was almost giving God an 'atta boy”. You could tell in his voice that he was proud of God and the good work God did with those stars. I love the way a four year old mind works!

I encourage you to never let your child-like awe disappear. Never let your ability to be amazed like a child fade away. This life can cloud our perception, taint our outlook, and rob us of its joy. Therefore, take time to be in awe this week. Take time to look at this world as God's creation. Look at the trees, feel the warmth of the sun, and the cool of the breeze, and remember God. Remember his love for you and whatever you do, never lose your awe!

Have a great week and see you Sunday!

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