Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Midweek Moment

The past two days I have been at a Florida Conference Residency seminar. This is a required part of my progression through ordination. This particular seminar was focused on theology. We talked about the definition of theology, situations that can help shape our theology, and how we can develop our theology, among other things.

One question, among many, that kept swirling around in my mind is, how often do we as believers examine out theology. Theology means talking about God. I read about God, a lot. I think about God, a lot. However, reading about God and thinking about God are very different from speaking about God.

Have you ever thought about how you would answer someone who asked you about your faith? What would your answer be to the question, "who is God?", or "where is God during all of these earthquakes?" These are very real questions. Questions that are causing very real people to struggle. It is important that we as believers know how to speak articulately about our faith so that when we asked, and eventually you will be asked, you will be able to answer.

I encourage you to think about how well you can articulate you faith. This week I had the opportunity to spend some time around a table, in small groups, talking about my faith. We all talked about what we believe, why we believe, how we understand God to work in certain situations. We even spent some time walking through our Communion liturgy, line by line, asking each other what it means to “lift our hearts up to the Lord.” It was amazing and humbling to be a part of those conversations.

I tell you all of that to tell you this; do not be fearful of your theology. Embrace your theology! Talk about your faith with your friends, with your family. Talk about your faith frequently and with passion. If need help getting started, talk with me. Remember, the only way for us to know how to live, is know what we believe.

Have a great week and I will see you Sunday!

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