Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bible Challenge 1/1 - 1/2

Greetings All! As we begin this new year we begin anew our Bible Challenge. For those that participated last year I am excited to hear the new things you learn this go around. For those waiting till this year to begin, here is your opportunity.

Our Bible Challenge is a reading plan where we read 4 chapters of Scripture a day and within a year you will read the New Testament twice and the Old Testament once. It is a wonderful way to create daily time to spend in the Word and with God.

I had a few people ask me what do we do when we participate in this challenge. My answer is whatever works best for you. For me, I keep a journal. After I read, I write one brief (five to ten words) statement about what impacted me the most. Then I write a few sentences about the message I got from the reading that day. Next, I just begin writing, or brainstorming, about what I read. Some days it is in perfect sentences, other days it just a collection of ideas and phrases. All of this helps me to process and unpack what I read and what I believe God was trying to tell me. With that done, I pray. Having a clearer understanding about what I read and felt gives more focus to my prayer time. After I have unpacked and prayed, then I listen. That step of listening is what brings all of this together for me.

Again you have to find what works best for you, but hopefully this will give you a starting point.

Here is the schedule for the first two days of the new year. I will post next week's full schedule on Saturday.

1/1, Friday - Matthew 1-4

1/2, Saturday - Matthew 5-8

Happy New Year!

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