Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bible Challenge 05/18 - 05/24

Greetings All!

This week we will finish reading II Samuel, read all of I Kings and part of II Kings.

Just as with the books of I and II Samuel, the books of I and II Kings were originally one long unbroken narrative. I Kings begins with the succession of Solomon as king after David and the story of Solomon's reign.

After Solomon's death the story starts to turn as the history of Israel moves from being one united country into two divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The northern kingdom is Israel, the capital is in the city of Samaria and is made up of the ten northern tribes. The southern kingdom is Judah, the capital is in the city of Jerusalem, and is made up of the two southern tribes (Benjamin and Judah). The Scripture becomes a narrative of the lives and reigns of the many different kings in the two kingdoms.

There are a few prominent people and stories in our readings. For example we get an extended look at the evil King Ahab of Israel and his interactions with the prophet Elijah in I Kings chapters 17-22. By the 2nd chapter of II Kings, Elijah is taken up to heaven to be with God.

Here is the schedule:

18, Sunday: II Samuel 22 - I Kings 1

19, Monday: I Kings 2-5

20, Tuesday: I Kings 6-9

21, Wednesday: I Kings 10-13

22, Thursday: I Kings 14-17

23, Friday: I Kings 18-21

24, Saturday: I Kings 22 - II Kings 3

May God add his richest blessings to the reading, the hearing and most importantly the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.

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