Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Midweek Moment

Last week we had our first gathering of F.A.D. (Faith and Discipleship) Night and we had 42 people in attendance. I was so moved and excited by the wonderful turnout and I want to thank everyone who came out to support it. In fact, the support of this night was so strong that we have raised enough money to fund the meal for the rest of this initial six week run thereby making the entire event free! If you would like to donate to this ministry to keep this trend alive, we would gladly welcome it.

This purpose of this night, from my perspective, is to give us a chance to grow closer with each other. We have worship on Sunday, we have the lunch afterwards, and we have numerous small groups. But I think we need more opportunities to fellowship with one another. We need more opportunities to spend time learning as much as we can about each other so we can strengthen our bond as the family of God. You see, it is in that time of bonding that we can share ideas, share vision, learn more about our faith and through it all become more effective disciples of Jesus Christ.

If have been considering being a part of F.A.D. Night but are curious about what we do, here it is in a nutshell. We gather on Thursdays at 5:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall, and share a simple supper, prepared by a group of people from our congregation. Then we break up in small groups; the children go sing in the Sanctuary, the youth go the Library for Youth Group, and the adults stay with me for a study. Then at 7:15pm we all gather back in Fellowship Hall, sing a few songs and I dismiss us with a prayer. My vision for this group is that as we develop and grow we can have times where we bring in speakers from the ministries we support to share us what they are doing, times to keep the entire group together and do an arts and crafts project, have fun together with themed dinners and celebrations, and even grow to the point where we have several different options for the adult studies. There are so many ways we can go with this time together. Here are a few pictures from our time together this last Thursday.

 I want to encourage all of you to consider giving this time of faith and discipleship a try. Come and see what the Holy Spirit can do through you and within you during this time. Come and see what God might have in store for you as you give God the opportunity to share with you during this time. However, if this night does not work for you, if it does not fit into your schedule or preference, I would ask that you would pray for it. Pray that this time equips your fellow believers, pray that God can use this time to transform us, pray that this time is used to build the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.

Have a great week and I hope to see you tomorrow!

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